Liposuction is an operation to remove excess fat from one or more areas of the body. It frequently performs on the abdomen, back, and buttocks, but the technique can also use on the thighs, knees, calves, upper arms, face, neck, and other body areas.
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What Areas Improve With Liposuction?
Surgeons perform liposuction to remove unwanted fat from specific areas of the body.
- Buttocks
- Hips
- Waist
- Stomach
- Shoulders
- Breast
- Neck
Liposuction can also combine with other surgeries. For example, with a tummy tuck, buttocks, chest, or face. After such a complex of procedures, the skin will be as attractive and toned as possible.
Types Of Liposuction, Methods Of Carrying Out
Now they practically do not do liposuction in the “classical” way using a vacuum, when the doctor does everything manually, as worthy alternatives have appeared. Operations now differ in the degree of invasiveness and the energy used to break down the fat. Let’s divide them into the following groups:
- Surgical methods are traumatic. For their implementation, anesthesia requires. After manipulation, you need to recover. Extremely practical since up to six liters of fat can pump out at a time;
- Non-surgical methods – it is not so difficult for the patient to endure them. Local anesthesia sometimes performs, and rehabilitation is not very long. However, for a long-term effect, at least ten procedures are required. In this case, the result is significantly different from the results obtained with surgical liposuction.
Types Of Surgical Liposuction
During the operation, the fat treats with a laser—area of application – small rooms with delicate skin, such as the face or neck.
Water Jet
Not as traumatic as the others. With it, you can get rid of six liters of fat at a time. Use a jet of a unique solution, which directs to the treated area under high pressure.
Radiofrequency Liposuction Body Tite
As the name implies, radio waves use for this procedure. This effect also allows you to tighten the skin.
In this case, the problem areas are treated with ultrasound. Then, the fat pumps out using a vacuum aspirator. The effect is especially pleasing when processing small rooms—a great way to take fat for lipofilling.
Types Of Non-Surgical Liposuction
Cryolipolysis on the Device
Forms the correct contours due to the combined action of low temperatures and vacuum. As a result, the chance of injury is minimal. During the procedure, you can remove fat anywhere in the body.
Ultrasonic Cavitation
Fat cells expose to ultrasonic waves, so the manipulation does not cause discomfort. In addition, there is no likelihood of blood loss and the appearance of hematomas—an excellent option for treating the abdomen, hips, and sides.
Benefits of Liposuction
Liposuction, in some cases, is performed not only for aesthetic purposes but also for medical purposes, with:
- Lymphedema. By removing fat cells, swelling in the upper and lower extremities is eliminated due to lymph stagnation.
- Gynecomastia – getting rid of excess accumulated fat in the chest area in men.
- Lipomas – tumor-like benign neoplasms eliminate.
- Lipodystrophy syndrome. A phenomenon in which fat deposits disappear in one part of the body and form in another. Thanks to liposuction, the body acquires more symmetrical contours.
Risks and Complications
All surgical procedures carry some risk.
Liposuction is generally a safe procedure, and any side effects are kept to a minimum, especially if highly lengthy procedures or excessive fat removal avoid. The likelihood of complications increases if the surgeon has to operate on vast areas of the body or if several methods schedule during one operation.
Before undergoing liposuction, it is essential to weigh the risks and benefits and understand their limitations and possible complications.
Side effects, unlike complications, are temporary and minor adverse events, although they can be annoying and painful.
Pain, swelling, and bruising: These should gradually subside over a month or two but can last up to six months.
Scars: These vary in size depending on the procedure chosen and should gradually become less noticeable over several weeks. For some, the “healing” of the scar can take up to a year.
Numbness: Sometimes, it persists for several weeks.
Limited mobility: This will depend on the exact procedure adopted by the surgeon.
It is necessary to consider various factors that restrict movement for a short time, such as wearing elastic compression stockings; swelling or pain in the areas that have undergone liposuction.
Anesthesia for Liposuction
Under what anesthesia and how is liposuction performed? The operation performs both under general anesthesia and under local anesthesia. General inhalation anesthesia uses when the patient has a large volume of zones or as part of a combined operation. For example, liposuction is often combined with abdominoplasty to obtain a wow effect. It is also an integral part of buttock liposculpture and breast lipofilling.
How To Prepare For Liposuction?
Step 1
Choose a doctor and discuss with him all your wishes regarding liposuction.
Step 2
Schedule your procedure for a specific date.
Step 3
Stop taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning drugs two weeks before surgery.
Step 4
Adjust your diet, and eat more protein and antioxidant-rich foods.
Step 5
Stop smoking, as nicotine makes the healing process difficult.
Recovery After Liposuction
1-3 days It is necessary to wear special compression underwear to reduce swelling and fix the area where liposuction perform. For pain, you need to take painkillers prescribed by the doctor. During this period, physical activity should avoid, as the body needs to recover.
1-2 weeks. During this period, you can return to work. Pain disappears, and the operated area becomes less sensitive. However, compression garments must continue to be worn.
3-5 weeks, the pain ultimately disappears, and swelling and bruising decrease. Although it is also necessary to wear compression clothing during this period, you can begin to perform light physical exercises.
After six weeksOedema and bruising ultimately disappear, so the patient sees the final result of his transformation. You can not wear compression underwear and return to full-fledged sports during this period.
History Of Liposuction Surgery
The first attempt to correct the figure’s contours makes at the beginning of the 20th century. The operation consisted of extensive excision of skin-fat flaps (dermolipectomy). Functions of this type have not received wide recognition among surgeons due to the high trauma of the intervention and the large number of postoperative scars. For the first time in 1972, J. Schrudde proposed a “closed” technique for removing fat using uterine curettes. Through 2-3 cm incisions, adipose tissue scraped in problem areas. However, such operations accompany severe postoperative complications, such as bleeding, lymphorrhea, and seroma. As a result, this type of operation did not become widespread, and only in 1979 was the idea of removing excess body fat effectively implemented. In 1979,
Several types of liposuction surgery are safe and effective for removing stubborn fat deposits in the body. This surgical procedure requires only small incisions and allows for a short recovery period in most patients.
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